Activities that take place at industrial facilities, such as material handling and storage, are often exposed to storm water. The runoff from these activities discharges industrial pollutants into nearby storm sewer systems and water bodies. This may adversely impact water quality.
The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) requires all industrial facilities that have a Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code or meets the narrative description listed in 11 categories, or that discharge waste water associated with industrial activities into receiving waters (e.g., wetlands, creeks, unnamed creeks, rivers, marine waters, ditches, estuaries), and/or storm drains that discharge to a receiving water of the State of Nevada must obtain a general or an individual NPDES industrial storm water permit and develop a storm water pollution prevention plan.
Visit the following NDEP websites to obtain more detailed information about the General Permit for stormwater discharges associated with Industrial Activity:
The following Best Management Practices (BMPs) can significantly reduce pollutant discharges from your industrial site. Compliance with stormwater regulations can be as simple as minimizing stormwater contact with potential pollutants and implementing the following good housekeeping practices at your facility.